2009-10-13 18:01http壓力測試工具(一)apache的ab
d:\tool\apache group\apache2\bin>ab -n 1000 -c 64 /
ab -n 1000 -c 64
this is apachebench, version 2.0.41-dev <$revision: $> apache-2.0
benchmarking (be patient)
completed 100 requests
completed 200 requests
completed 300 requests
completed 400 requests
completed 500 requests
completed 600 requests
completed 700 requests
completed 800 requests
completed 900 requests
finished 1000 requests
server software:
server hostname:
server port: 7001
document path: /icpmis/
document length: 285 bytes
concurrency level: 64
time taken for tests: 10.859375 seconds
complete requests: 1000
failed requests: 1
(connect: 0, length: 1, exceptions: 0)
write errors: 0
non-2xx responses: 999
total transferred: 607392 bytes
html transferred: 284715 bytes
requests per second: 92.09 [#/sec] (mean)
time per request: 695.000 [ms] (mean)
time per request: 10.859 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
transfer rate: 54.61 [kbytes/sec] received
connection times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
connect: 0 0 2.3 0 15
processing: 78 214 632.2 125 9000
waiting: -15 202 569.7 125 9000
total: 78 214 632.2 125 9000
percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 125
66% 125
75% 140
80% 140
90% 140
95% 171
98% 2968
99% 3000
100% 9000 (longest request)
webbench最多可以模擬3萬個併發連線去測試 的負載能力,比apache自帶的ab壓力測試工具好,安裝使用也特別方便。1 適用系統 linux 2 編譯安裝 引用 wget tar zxvf webbench 1.5.tar.gz cd webbench 1.5 make make instal...
一 工具簡單介紹 二 工具簡單設定 圖1 1.在 settings 的功能設定中 如圖2 乙個是stress level threads 這裡是指定程式在後台用多少執行緒進行請求,也就是相當於模擬多少個客戶機的連線,更加形象的就是說設定多少轟炸的執行緒數。一般填寫 500 1000,因為這個執行緒數...
壓力測試(一) 常用壓力測試工具對比
常用壓力測試工具對比 簡介 目前用的常用測試工具對比 1 loadrunner 效能穩定,壓測結果及細粒度大,可以自定義指令碼進行壓測,但是太過於重大,功能比較繁多 2 apache ab 單介面壓測最方便 模擬多執行緒併發請求,ab命令對發出負載的計算機要求很低,既不會占用很多cpu,也不會占用太...