1. 複製表結構
select * into b from a where 1=0;
2.複製表記錄 複製某些字段
insert into b(a, b, c) select d, e, f from a;
insert into b select * from a;
select a.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.f from a left out join b on a.a = b.c;
select * from a where datediff("minute", 開始時間字段, getdate())>時間差
delete from a where not exists(select id from b where a.infid=b.infid );
6. 複雜的多級條件查詢
7.兩個表之間的關聯資料篩選select a.num, a.name, b.upd_date, b.prev_upd_date
from table1,(select x.num, x.upd_date, y.upd_date prev_upd_date
from (select num, upd_date, inbound_qty, stock_onhand
from table2
where to_char(upd_date,』』yyyy/mm』』) =
to_char(sysdate, 』』yyyy/mm』』)) x,
(select num, upd_date, stock_onhand
from table2
where to_char(upd_date,』』yyyy/mm』』) =
to_char(to_date(to_char(sysdate, 』』yyyy/mm』』)
|| 』』/01』』,』』yyyy/mm/dd』』) - 1, 』』yyyy/mm』』) ) y,
where x.num = y.num (+)and x.inbound_qty
+ nvl(y.stock_onhand,0) <> x.stock_onhand ) b
where a.num = b.num;
select * from a
where not exists(select id from b where a.id=b.id)
and a.a="*"
and a.b="*"
order by a.c,a.d,a.e;
1.複製表結構 sql 1.select into b from a where 1 0 select into b from a where 1 0 2.複製表記錄 複製某些字段 sql 1.insert into b a,b,c select d,e,f from a insert into b...
ksnapshot是kde整合桌面環境自帶的截圖工具,不過在gnome整合桌面環境下也可以安裝和使用它。我們可以通過新立得軟體包管理器或使用apt get命令來安裝它。假設使用命令列方式來安裝,開啟乙個gnome終端視窗,在終端視窗中輸入如下命令 sudo apt get install ksnap...
功能強大的sscanf 函式
int sscanf const char src,const char format,int scanf const char format,這兩個函式很相似,只是第乙個函式以src作為輸入,而第二個函式以標準輸入stdin讀取輸入 format 是格式控制字串,它包含控制字元 如 d,i,s等 ...