2021-08-30 04:03:46 字數 1354 閱讀 6884



switch to a different mode:

b innodb buffers i innodb i/o info q query list

c command summary l locks r innodb row ops

d innodb deadlocks m replication status s variables & status

f innodb fk err o open tables t innodb txns


a toggle the innotop process k kill a query's connection

c choose visible columns n switch to the next connection

d change refresh interval p pause innotop

e explain a thread's query q quit innotop

f show a thread's full query r reverse sort order

h toggle the header on and off s change the display's sort column

i toggle idle processes x kill a query


tab switch to the next server group / quickly filter what you see

! show license and warranty = toggle aggregation

# select/create server groups @ select/create server connections

$ edit configuration settings \ clear quick-filters

press any key to continue


[url= innotop mysql and innodb monitor[/url]


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