[color=red] 語法:insert into 表名(子查詢)[/color]
(1)、insert into cip_test (select *from cip_tmp)。
[color=red] insert all insert_into_clause[value_clause] 子查詢;
insert all into cip_test into cip_temp select * from cip_tmp where id<10;
insert all
when id between 1 and 10 then into cip_test
when id between 11 and 20 then into cip_temp
when id between 21 and 30 then into cip_temps
select * from cip_tmp where id<30;
insert first
when id <=10 then into cip_test
when id <=20 then into cip_temp
when id <=30 then into cip_temps
select * from cip_tmp where id<30;
update cip_temp set (name,age,address)=(select name,age,address from cip_test where id=1) where id=20;[/code
[code="oracle"]delete from cip_temp where name=(select name from cip_test where id=1)
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