jsp el的使用規則

2021-08-29 21:56:20 字數 1727 閱讀 3886


其中firstthing可以是el implicit object或者是乙個attribute。



3. el會顯示純文字,包括html,例如

bold tag:


如果$為tags makes things bold!那麼客戶端不會看到標籤,這裡需要將《換成<,>換成》

4. el中的implicit objects

它們和jsp的implicit objects有些不同。

param and paramvalues are maps of request parameters.


bold tag:

request param name is: $

request param empid is: $

request param food is: $

first food request param: $

second food request param: $

request param name: $

header,$同於<%= request.getheader("host") %>。


<% cookie cookies = request.getcookies();

for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++)

} %>


5. el 的操作符

在邏輯上el 會將null視為false,算術上則視為0。

arithmetic (5)

addition: +

subtraction: -

multiplication: *

division: / and div

remainder: % and mod

logical (3)

and: && and and

or: || and or

not: ! and not

relational (6)

equals: == and eq

not equals: != and ne

less than: < and lt

greater than: > and gt

less than or equal to: <= and le

greater than or equal to: >= and ge


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