[size=large]select a random row with mysql:[/size]
select column from table
order by rand()
limit 1
[size=large]select a random row with postgresql: [/size]
select column from table
order by random()
limit 1
[size=large]select a random row with microsoft sql server: [/size]
select top 1 column from table
order by newid()
[size=large]select a random row with ibm db2: [/size]
select column, rand() as idx
from table
order by idx fetch first 1 rows only
[size=large]select a random record with oracle: [/size]
select column from
( select column from table
order by dbms_random.value )
where rownum = 1
1 建立資料庫 create database if not exists cs2013 2 建立資料庫 create table if not exists comp id int not null primary key auto increment pid varchar 30 not nul...
新增字段 alter table 表名 add 欄位名 nvarchar 50 null 刪除字段 alter table 表名 drop column 欄位名 修改字段 alter table 表名 alter column 欄位名 nvarchar 50 null 重新命名表 access 重新...
create table dbo b nation code char 2 not null primary key nation varchar 20 insert into b nation values 01 漢族 insert into b nation values 02 蒙古族 inse...