import requests
import psycopg2
import datetime
import re
from bs4 import beautifulsoup
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import backgroundscheduler
def weatherprediction():
cityid = "57494"
urls = [""+cityid+".htm",
for url in urls:
response = requests.get(url)
soup = beautifulsoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now() # 當前日期
weatherdate = ''
if "today" in url:
weatherdate = nowdate.strftime('%y-%m-%d')
elif "tomorrow" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 明天
elif "third" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 第三天
elif "fourth" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=3)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 第四天
elif "fifth" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=4)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 第五天
elif "sixth" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=5)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 第六天
elif "seventh" in url:
weatherdate = (nowdate + datetime.timedelta(days=6)).strftime('%y-%m-%d') # 第七天
# -----------------------------------------天氣預報基本資訊開始-----------------------------------------
tianqi_list = soup.find_all("span", class_="phrase")
day_tianqi = tianqi_list[0].gettext()
night_tianqi = tianqi_list[1].gettext() # 天氣狀況
tianqi = ''
if day_tianqi == night_tianqi:
tianqi = day_tianqi
tianqi = day_tianqi + "~" + night_tianqi
temp_list = soup.find_all("span", class_="temperature")
day_temp = temp_list[0].gettext()
night_temp = temp_list[1].gettext()
max_temp = re.findall("\d+", day_temp)[0] # 最高溫
min_temp = re.findall("\d+", night_temp)[0] # 最低溫
# print(weatherdate +" 天氣:" + tianqi +"," + " 最高溫:" + max_temp + " , " + "最低溫:"+min_temp)
# -----------------------------------------天氣預報基本資訊結束-----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------天氣預報額外資訊開始-----------------------------------------
other_list = soup.find_all("ul", class_="parameter")[0].contents
for other in other_list:
print(other.b.gettext() + " : " + other.i.gettext())
# -----------------------------------------天氣預報額外資訊結束-----------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------每天定時更新天氣預報資訊-----------------------------------------
scherduler = backgroundscheduler()
# ----------------------------------------爬蟲獲取失敗的提醒機制,簡訊/郵件,以及切換api獲取天氣預報資訊-----------------------------------------
今天的所有資料 select from 表名 where to days 時間欄位名 to days now 昨天的所有資料 select from 表名 where to days now to days 時間欄位名 1 7天內的所有資料 select from 表名 where date sub...
sql語句查詢最近七天 三十天 資料
幾個小時內的資料 date sub now interval 5 hour 今天 select from 表名 where to days 時間欄位名 to days now 昨天 select from 表名 where to days now to days 時間欄位名 1 7天 select ...
sql語句查詢最近七天 三十天 資料
幾個小時內的資料 date sub now interval 5 hour 今天select from 表名 where to days 時間欄位名 to days now 昨天select from 表名 where to days now to days 時間欄位名 1 7天select fro...