2.輸入中英文及刪除鍵private sub txtsid_keypress(keyascii as integer)
if keyascii <> 8 and (keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 57) then
keyascii = 0
end if
end sub
3.如何限制本文本元長度private sub txtname_keypress(keyascii as integer)
if ((keyascii <= -3652 and keyascii >= -20319) or (keyascii >= 65 and keyascii <= 90) or (keyascii >= 97 and keyascii <= 122) or keyascii = 32 or keyascii = 8) = false then
keyascii = 0
end if
end sub
4.只能輸入數字和英文本母private sub txtaddress_keypress(keyascii as integer)
txtaddress.maxlength = 25
end sub
5.日期的判斷private sub txtpassword1_keypress(index as integer, keyascii as integer)
if ((keyascii >= 48 and keyascii <= 57) or (keyascii >= 65 and keyascii <= 90) or (keyascii >= 97 and keyascii <= 122) or keyascii = 8) = false then keyascii = 0
end sub
利用vb中的dtpicker,是慧慧告訴我的,當時我還好鬱悶的,想了老半天,怎麼才能實現自選日期呢,原來有控制項呀!dim borndate as date
dim rudate as date
borndate = trim(txtborndate.value)
rudate = trim(txtrudate.value)
if rudate <= borndate then '進行比較
msgbox "還未出生就入學了,這麼神奇?", vbokonly + vbinformation, "警告"
exit sub
end if
新增過程:工具→部件→控制項→microsoft windows common control2.6.0→應用→確定
1.空字元,if micount = 1 then
exit sub
end if
if micount = 2 then
exit sub
end if
if micount = 3 then
endend if
txtpassword.text = ""
end if
2.修改資訊時,未編輯狀態下,按鈕不可弄private sub comboclassno_keypress(keyascii as integer)
keyascii = 0
end sub
comboexamtype.enabled = false
comboclassno.enabled = false
combosid.enabled = false
combocourse.enabled = false
txtname.enabled = false
txtresult.enabled = false
學生資訊管理系統小結 優化篇
學生資訊管理系統 一 是遇到的問題,除錯後能執行。而執行不是目的,讓使用者喜歡才是目的。所以我們要優化我們的系統。開始很信任 給的原始碼,其實只要你知識豐富了些或思考了,就發現有很多不對的地方。1.日期新增方式自動轉換 txtrudate.text replace txtrudate,txtruda...
任何的系統在完成之前必須得優化,首先你的保證你做出來的軟體得沒有正常的邏輯問題,還得提高使用者體驗,讓別人用著比較舒服對吧!所以優化就是乙個不斷完善的過程!下邊我為大家分享一下我的優化心得!1.登入介面 首先你的保證你的登入介面不能隨意亂輸入,控制字元長度,而且要注意特殊字元的問題,防止別人輸入特殊...
if keyascii 8 then exit sub if keyascii 48 or keyascii 57 then keyascii 02,限制貼上 if keycode vbkeyv and shift vbctrlmask then txtpassword.enabled false ...