Python 3 LeetCode三數之和

2021-08-28 15:23:15 字數 836 閱讀 5248


# -*- coding :utf-8 -*-

class solution:

def threesum(self, nums):

result =

temp_nums = sorted(nums)

l = len(temp_nums)

for i in range(l - 2):

if i > 0 and temp_nums[i] == temp_nums[i -1]:



if temp_nums[i] <= 0:#只迴圈負數

j = i + 1

k = l - 1

while j < k:

x = temp_nums[i] + temp_nums[j] + temp_nums[k]

if x == 0:

while j < k and temp_nums[j] == temp_nums[j+1]:#去掉重複部分左邊

j += 1

while j < k and temp_nums[k] == temp_nums[k-1]:#去掉重複部分右邊

k -= 1

j += 1

elif x > 0:

k -= 1


j += 1



return result

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