新增目錄(需要vs搜尋庫和include檔案的地方),我們首先進入project properties(工程屬性,在解決方案視窗裡右鍵專案),然後選擇vc++ directories(vc++ 目錄)選項卡(如下圖)。在下面的兩欄新增目錄:
glfw+glew的標頭檔案 新增到 『include directories』
庫目錄(lib檔案) 新增到 『library directories』
如果你是windows平台,opengl32.lib已經包含在microsoft sdk裡了,它在visual studio安裝的時候就預設安裝了。由於這篇教程用的是vs編譯器,並且是在windows作業系統上,我們只需將opengl32.lib新增進聯結器設定裡就行了。
效果圖:#include // glew
#define glew_static
//#include "eglew.h"
#include "glew.h"
//#include "glxew.h"
//#include "wglew.h"
// glfw
#include "glfw3.h"
//#include "glfw3native.h"
// function prototypes
void key_callback(glfwwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mode);
// window dimensions
const gluint width = 800, height = 600;
int main()
// set the required callback functions
glfwsetkeycallback(window, key_callback);
glewexperimental = gl_true;
// initialize glew to setup the opengl function pointers
if (glewinit() != glew_ok)
// define the viewport dimensions
glviewport(0, 0, width, height);
// game loop
while (!glfwwindowshouldclose(window))
// terminate glfw, clearing any resources allocated by glfw.
return 0;
}// is called whenever a key is pressed/released via glfw
void key_callback(glfwwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mode)
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