錯誤:ps c:\windows\system32> npm install vue-cli -g
npm warn deprecated [email protected]: coffeescript on npm has moved to "coffeescript" (no hyphen)
npm err! code eintegrity
npm err! sha1-psc74fopoqc5ijjstv9cw0tue10= integrity checksum failed when using sha1: wanted sha1-psc74fopoqc5ijjstv9cw0tue10= but got sha1-7qoe24faxu2xa3xfj0g9ijtfccu=. (1518 bytes)
npm err! a complete log of this run can be found in:
npm err! c:\nvmdata\nvm\npm\node_cache\_logs\2018-09-01t04_10_13_466z-debug.log
已檢過過node和npm版本的話,再檢查下 vue-cli 的版本是否最新
# 逐條試試
npm ls --depth 0 -g // 看看哪些失效了
npm prune -g // 修剪下全域性包
npm rebuild -g // 重建下全域性包
npm update -g // 更新下全域性包的版本
npm cache clear --force -g // 刪除全域性包的快取(慎重)
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