declare @tname varchar(100)
declare @size int
set @size=0 --這裡設定索引大小限制,如果不設定預設為0即所有索引
set @tname='tblorders'
select 'alter index '+' '+c.indexname+' '+'on'+' '+@tname+' '+'rebuild with (data_compression=page)'
(select * from
object_name(i.object_id) as tablename,
i.name as indexname,
i.index_id as indexid,
8 * sum(a.used_pages)/1024 as 'indexsize(mb)'
from sys.indexes as i
join sys.partitions as p on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id
join sys.allocation_units as a on a.container_id = p.partition_id
group by i.object_id,i.index_id,i.name
)awhere a.tablename=@tname and
[indexsize(mb)]>@size )c
1 select drop table table name from all tables where owner 要刪除的使用者名稱 注意要大寫 2 刪除所有表 以使用者test為例 for example declare cursor cur1 is select table name fro...
刪除指定表的所有索引,包括主鍵索引,唯一索引和普通索引 呼叫 declare tbname varchar 20 set tbname a exec sp dropindex tbname vivianfdlpw 2005.9 引用情保留此資訊 if exists select 1 from sys...
刪除指定表的所有索引 刪除指定表的所有索引,包括主鍵索引,唯一索引和普通索引 呼叫 declare tbname varchar 20 set tbname a exec sp dropindex tbname vivianfdlpw 2005.9 引用情保留此資訊 if exists select...