原理excel中兩進製檔案中找到dpb="和cmg="只要改動其後乙個位元組,就會溢位,軟體無效提示修復就可以輕鬆破解,在2007時需要先用rar 解壓檔案
private declare function shellexecute lib "shell32.dll" alias "shellexecutea" (byval hwnd as long, byval lpoperation as string, byval lpfile as string, byval lpparameters as string, byval lpdirectory as string, byval nshowcmd as long) as long
dim getfilepathstr as string
dim filestream() as byte
dim find as long
private sub form_oledragdrop(data as dataobject, effect as long, button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)
if data.getformat(vbcffiles) = true then
dim w
dim i as integer
if data.files.count > 1 then '如果是拖放的多個檔案則依次開啟
for i = 1 to data.files.count
getfilepathstr = data.files.item(i)
w = shellexecute(0&, vbnullstring, getfilepathstr, vbnullstring, vbnullstring, vbnormalfocus)
else '如果只有乙個檔案
getfilepathstr = data.files.item(1)
w = shellexecute(0&, vbnullstring, getfilepathstr, vbnullstring, vbnullstring, vbnormalfocus)
end if
end if
end sub
sub cracr()
on error resume next
dim bakfilename
dim operaternumber as long
operaternumber = freefile
bakfilename = getfilepathstr + ".bak"
filecopy getfilepathstr, bakfilename
open getfilepathstr for binary access read as operaternumber
redim filestream(lof(operaternumber) - 1)
get #operaternumber, , filestream()
close #operaternumber
'解密filldata filestream(), "dpb="""
filldata filestream(), "cmg="""
operaternumber = freefile
open getfilepathstr for binary access write as operaternumber
put #operaternumber, , filestream()
close #operaternumber
end sub
private function searchstring(fbytes() as byte, fromwhere as long, str as string) as long
dim p as long, k as long
p = fromwhere
do until p > ubound(fbytes)
for k = 1 to len(str)
if fbytes(p + k - 1) asc(mid(str, k, 1)) then
p = p + k
exit for
end if
if k > len(str) then
searchstring = p
exit function
end if
err.raise vbobjecterror, , "沒找到字串「" & str & "」。"
serchstring = 0
end function
private sub filldata(filestream() as byte, str as string)
find = searchstring(filestream, 0, str) + 3
filestream(find) = &h31
end sub
乙個簡單破解excelvba工程密碼方法 2010年02月20日 由於借鑑別人得程式經驗,有時比自己動腦來得快,本著這種思路,一些優秀得excel外掛程式都工程鎖定,不論2000,還是2007其破解方法都一樣 原理excel中兩進製檔案中找到dpb 和cmg 只要改動其後乙個位元組,就會溢位,軟體無...
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