
2021-08-26 06:31:30 字數 1100 閱讀 8085

#include#includeusing namespace std; class test else } test(const test & t) else } test &operator = (const test & t) pdata = new char [strlen(t.pdata) + 1]; strcpy(pdata , t.pdata); } else return * this; } ~test() void set( char*value) else } private: char * pdata; }; test fun( test aa) int main()


this is construction of test 1111 //a的建構函式

this is copy construction of test 1111 //傳值產生的結果,即a拷貝了乙個aa

this is construction of test 0000 //bb的建構函式

this is operator = : 0000= 1111 //bb=aa的結果

this is copy construction of test 2222 //return bb;用bb構造了乙個b,所以呼叫的是拷貝建構函式

this is dectruction of test 2222 //bb的析構函式

this is dectruction of test 1111 //aa的析構函式

this is copy construction of test 1111 //語句test c = a 的建構函式,這裡沒有呼叫operator=,因為拷貝建構函式效率更高,算是一種優化把

this is operator = : 1111= 2222 //a=b操作的結果

this is dectruction of test 1111 //c的析構函式

this is dectruction of test 2222 //b的析構函式

this is dectruction of test 2222 //a的析構函式

press any key to continue


C 建構函式深入理解

01 初始化引數列表.cpp include include include using namespace std struct student 拷貝建構函式定義 拷貝建構函式的有效引數,必須是該類的物件的引用 if 1 student student s,int class no 1 else ...


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深入理解Android View的建構函式

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