function checkempty(field, fieldtitle)
return true;
function checkinteger(field, fieldtitle)}}
return true;
function checkreal(field, fieldtitle)
if (ch == '.')}}
}return true;
function checkmaxlength(field, maxlength, fieldtitle)
} return true;
function checkminlength(field, minlength, fieldtitle)
} return true;
} 6.判斷核取方塊中的值是否選中的函式
function checkoption(field, fieldtitle)
function checkselect(field, fieldtitle)
return true;
function checkemail(field)
pos1 = field.value.indexof("@");
pos2 = field.value.indexof(".");
pos3 = field.value.lastindexof("@");
pos4 = field.value.lastindexof(".");
//check '@' and '.' is not first or last character
if ((pos1 <= 0)||(pos1 == len-1)||(pos2 <= 0)||(pos2 == len-1))
}return true;
function checkmustlength(field, mustlength, fieldtitle)
return true;
} function checkintrange(field,prompt,min,max)
return true;
} 9.選中指定列表框中的值
function selectvalue(objselect,strvalue)
function checkvalues(objselectlist,strvalue)
function checkvalue1(objselect,strvalue)
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