批量更新sql |批量update sql
這裡給出一種更高效、簡潔的做法,批量更新sql ,一句sql就可以替代麻煩的迴圈過程,有ms sqlserver、oracle、db2下的寫法
--關鍵點:t4和t1是同乙個table,primary key肯定也是同乙個,
--並以它進行關聯,這樣在 select語句裡即可引用到要update的表的fields
update table1 as t1
set (field1,field2) = (select field21, field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where t2.field24 >= ''
and t1.fid = t4.fid);
----------------------------ms sqlserver --------------------------------------
update t1
set field1 = field21, field2 = field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where ((t2.field24 >= '')
and t1.fid = t4.fid);
----------------------------oracle --------------------------------------------
update table1 t1
set (field1,field2) = (select field21, field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where ((t2.field24 >= '')
and t1.fid = t4.fid))
where exists (select field21, field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where ((t2.field24 >= '')
and t1.fid = t4.fid));
---------------------------------db2 ------------------------------------------
update table1 as t1
set (field1,field2) = (select field21, field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where ((t2.field24 >= '')
and t1.fid = t4.fid))
where exists (select field21, field22
from table2 t2
inner join table3 t3
on t3.field31 = t2.field23
inner join table4 t4
on t3.field32 = t4.filed41
where ((t2.field24 >= '')
and t1.fid = t4.fid));
批量更新 1 statement statement cn.createstatement addbatch sql1 addbatch sql2 executebatch 乙個statement物件,可以執行多個sql語句以後,批量更新。這多個語句可以是delete update insert等或...
批量更新 mysql更新語句很簡單,更新一條資料的某個字段,一般這樣寫 複製 如下 update mytable set myfield value where other field other value 如果更新同一欄位為同乙個值,mysql也很簡單,修改下where即可 複製 如下 upda...
如下 怎樣寫成一句,或中間用什麼字元隔開才能同時執行?update yao article set author 1 35 where author 山東 歷下 update yao article set author 1 36 where author 山東 市中 update yao arti...