
2021-08-25 10:00:25 字數 1411 閱讀 4101




private sub command1_click() dim s1, s2, s3, s4 as string s1 = "中文" s2 = "ち" s3 = "english" s4 = "123" dim result as string result = """" + s1 + """ " + iif(includechinese(s1), "包含漢字", "不包含漢字") result = result + vbcrlf + """" + s2 + """ " + iif(includechinese(s2), "包含漢字", "不包含漢字") result = result + vbcrlf + """" + s3 + """ " + iif(includechinese(s3), "包含漢字", "不包含漢字") result = result + vbcrlf + """" + s4 + """ " + iif(includechinese(s4), "包含漢字", "不包含漢字") msgbox result end sub '判斷是否字串中包含漢字 public function includechinese(byval s as string) as boolean '定義位元組陣列指向字串 dim data() as byte data = s '臨時變數,integer長度為2,正好用來判斷是否是漢字,因為漢字是雙位元組的 dim t as integer '定義迴圈變數 dim i as integer '漢字邊界值 '因為直接寫&h9fa5會認為成integer的負數,所以要寫成字串,進行轉換 dim lb, ub as long lb = clng("&h4e00") '漢字最小值 ub = clng("&h9fa5") '迴圈判斷,漢字的範圍是4e00 ~ 9fa5 '因為我不太懂vb6的技巧寫法,就用乙個比較繁瑣的寫法做型別轉換 for i = 0 to ubound(data) step 2 t = clng("&h" + hex(data(i) + data(i + 1) * 255)) '連續的2個位元組拼接為乙個integer if t >= lb and t <= ub then includechinese = true '找到任何乙個漢字則返回true exit function end if next includechinese = false '不包含漢字 end function


"中文" 包含漢字

"ち" 不包含漢字

"english" 不包含漢字

"123" 不包含漢字

判斷字串 python判斷字串是否包含字母

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