jstorm原始碼閱讀彙總 一

2021-08-24 23:10:34 字數 2068 閱讀 1561

jstrorm task


public void run()  catch (throwable e)  else 



public taskshutdowndameon execute() throws exception

public taskshutdowndameon getshutdown(listallthreads, runnablecallback baseexecutor) 

}// 將解碼的執行執行緒新增到執行緒list裡

listrecvthreads = taskreceiver.getdeserializethread();

for (asyncloopthread recvthread : recvthreads)

// 將編碼的執行執行緒新增到執行緒list裡

listserializethreads = tasktransfer.getserializethreads();


taskheartbeattrigger taskheartbeattrigger = ((baseexecutors) baseexecutor).gettaskhbtrigger();

// 建立taskshutdowndameon執行緒

return new taskshutdowndameon(

taskstatus, topologyid, taskid, allthreads, zkcluster, taskobj, this, taskheartbeattrigger);




public void shutdown() catch (interruptedexception ignored)

// all thread will check the taskstatus

// once it has been set to shutdown, it will quit

// 更新任務狀態


// 將所有執行緒都進行清理

for (asyncloopthread thr : allthreads) catch (throwable e)

log.info("successfully shutdown " + thr.getthread().getname());


log.info("successfully shutdown task heartbeat trigger for task:{}", taskid);

try catch (exception e)

log.info("successfully shutdown task " + topologyid + ":" + taskid);




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