oracle 自然周跨年度 一周分成兩部分

2021-08-24 23:01:49 字數 1591 閱讀 6910

create or replace function udf_weekofyear ( v_date in date ,formate in varchar2 ) return char

asv_ret char(6);

v_ret1 char(2);

v_ret3 number;


v_ret3 := to_char (v_date, 'iw');

if v_ret3 = 1 and to_char (v_date, 'mm') = '12' then --判斷是否是最後乙個月 周次算成下年了第一周

select to_char(decode(sign((v_date


to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'))) - 2)



+to_number(decode(to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'), '1','8',

to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'))) - 2)),'ww') as week

into v_ret1 from dual;

return to_char(v_date,'yyyy')||v_ret1;

end if;

if v_ret3 = 53 and to_char (v_date, 'mm') = '01' then--判斷是否是第乙個月 周次算成去年了最後一周 那麼拆分成兩個周

select to_char(decode(sign((v_date


to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'))) - 2)



+to_number(decode(to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'), '1','8',

to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'d'))) - 2)),'ww') as week

into v_ret1 from dual;

return to_char(v_date,'yyyy')||v_ret1;

end if;

if to_char(trunc(v_date,'yyyy'),'iw') = 53 and to_char (v_date, 'mm') = '01' then --判斷是否是第乙個月 周次算成去年了最後一周

v_ret := to_char (v_date, formate) + 1; --以後的周次向後推一

return v_ret;

end if;

v_ret := to_char (v_date, formate); --正常情況下按自然周處理

return v_ret;



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