spool d:/10-10.log
prompt wcm03 分析
prompt 分析時間
select sysdate from dual;
prompt 資料庫例項
select name from v$database;
prompt 檢查資料檔案的狀態記錄狀態不是"online"的資料檔案
select file_name
from dba_data_files
where status='offline';
prompt 檢查表空間的使用情況 如果表空間使用超過80%,新增新的資料檔案或者加大資料檔案的大小
select tablespace_name,
to_char(100*sum_free_m/sum_m, '99.99') || '%' as pct_free,
count_blocks free_blk_cnt,
from ( select tablespace_name,
sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as sum_m
from dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name),
(select tablespace_name as fs_ts_name,
max(bytes)/1024/1024 as max_m,
count(blocks) as count_blocks,
sum(bytes/1024/1024) as sum_free_m
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name )
where tablespace_name = fs_ts_name;
prompt 統計資料庫的剩餘的使用空間
select tablespace_name,
trunc ( sum (bytes ) / (1024*1024) ) as free_m,
sum ( blocks ) as free_blk ,
max ( bytes ) / (1024) as big_chunk_k,
count (*) as num_chunks
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name ;
prompt 檢查無效的資料庫物件
select owner||' '||object_name||' '||object_type
from dba_objects
where status='invalid';
prompt 檢查不起作用的約束
select owner||' '||constraint_name||' '||table_name||' '||constraint_type||' '||status
from dba_constraints
where status = 'disabled'
and constraint_type = 'p';
prompt 檢查無效的trigger
select owner||' '||trigger_name||' '||table_name||' '|| status
from dba_triggers
where status = 'disabled';
prompt 自由範圍的碎片
column fsfi format 999,99
select tablespace_name,
sqrt(max(blocks)/sum(blocks))*(100/sqrt(sqrt(count(blocks)))) fsfi
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name
order by 1;
prompt 資料緩衝命中率
select a.value + b.value logical_reads,
c.value phys_reads,
round(100*(1-c.value/(a.value+b.value)),4) hit_ratio
from v$sysstat a,
v$sysstat b,
v$sysstat c
where a.name='db block gets'
and b.name='consistent gets'
and c.name='physical reads' ;
prompt 語句的過載率
select sum(pins) total_pins,
sum(reloads) total_reloads,
sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100 libcache_reload_ratio
from v$librarycache;
prompt 使用者鎖狀態
select /*+ rule */ s.username,
decode(l.type,'tm','table lock', 'tx','row lock',null) lock_level,
from v$session s,
v$lock l,
dba_objects o
where l.sid = s.sid
and l.id1 = o.object_id(+)
and s.username is not null ;
prompt 資料字典快取記憶體
select (1-(sum(getmisses)/(sum(gets)+sum(getmisses))))*100
from v$rowcache;
prompt 物理檔案的使用頻率
select name||' '||phyrds||'/'||phywrts
from v$datafile df,
v$filestat fs
where df.file# =fs.file#;
prompt 排程程序的競爭
select network,
from v$dispatcher
group by network;
prompt 減少free list競爭
select class,
from v$waitstat
where class='free list';
select sum(value)
from v$sysstat
where name in ('db block gets','consistent gets');
spool off
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