use master
exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk',mybackupfile,
exec sp_dropdevice mybackupfile
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'
backup database northwind
to mybackupfile
backup database northwind
to mybackupfile
with differential
-- 備份日誌檔案到備份裝置
exec sp_addumpdevice 'disk',mybackuplog,
backup log northwind
to mybackuplog
-- 備份日誌檔案到臨時備份裝置
backup log northwind
to disk = 'c:\mybackuplog.bak'
restore database northwind
from mybackupfile
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with differential
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 1,recovery
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 2,recovery
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindback.bak'
with file = 1,norecovery
restore log northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwindlog.bak'
with file = 1,recovery
backup database northwind
to disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'
backup log northwind
to disk = 'c:\mybackuplog.bak'
restore database northwind
from disk = 'c:\northwind.bak'
with file = 1,norecovery
restore log northwind
from disk = 'c:\mybackuplog.bak'
with file = 1 ,stopat = '2006-4-7 9:54:00' ,recovery
備份資料庫的命令是 backup database test to disk c test with format,name full backup of mynwind 解釋如下 backup database test 這裡的test指的是資料庫名稱 to disk c test 這裡指名的資料...
時間戳不帶秒 substring replace replace replace convert varchar,getdate 120 1,12 備份語句 建立儲存過程 create proc dbo backup db as 定義變數 declare filename varchar 100 變...
SQL資料庫備份1 完整備份
完整備份 完整備份資料庫到物理備份裝置 backup database studb to disk e bak studb all.bak go 完整備份資料庫到邏輯備份裝置 backup database studb to bk bk e bak studb 邏輯備份.bak go 備份的驗證與校...