在 o(n log n) 時間複雜度和常數級的空間複雜度下給鍊錶排序。
definition of listnode
class listnode(object):
def __init__(self, val, next=none):
self.val = val
self.next = next
class solution:
"""@param head: the head of linked list.
@return: you should return the head of the sorted linked list, using constant space complexity.
"""def sortlist(self, head):
# write your code here
if head is none or head.next is none:
return head
mid = self.findmid(head)
right = self.sortlist(mid.next)
mid.next = none
left = self.sortlist(head)
return self.mergetwolists(left, right)
def findmid(self, head):
slow, fast = head, head.next
#slow移動一位, fast移動兩位,當fast遍歷完,slow正好處於中點
while fast != none and fast.next != none:
fast = fast.next.next
slow = slow.next
return slow
def mergetwolists(self, l1, l2):
# write your code here
dummy = listnode(0)
tmp = dummy
while l1 != none and l2 != none:
if l1.val < l2.val:
tmp.next = l1
l1 = l1.next
tmp.next = l2
l2 = l2.next
tmp = tmp.next
if l1 != none:
tmp.next = l1
elif l2 != none:
tmp.next = l2
return dummy.next
class solution:
"""@param head: the head of linked list.
@return: you should return the head of the sorted linked list, using constant space complexity.
"""def sortlist(self, head):
# write your code here
if head is none or head.next is none:
return head
mid = self.findmid(head)
leftdummy, rightdummy, middummy = listnode(0),listnode(0),listnode(0)
lefttail, righttail, midtail = leftdummy, rightdummy, middummy
while head:
if head.val < mid.val:
lefttail.next = head
lefttail = lefttail.next
elif head.val > mid.val:
righttail.next = head
righttail = head
midtail.next = head
midtail = head
head = head.next
lefttail.next, righttail.next, midtail.next = none, none, none
left = self.sortlist(leftdummy.next)
right = self.sortlist(rightdummy.next)
return self.concat(left, middummy.next, right)
def findmid(self, head):
slow, fast = head, head.next
#slow移動一位, fast移動兩位,當fast遍歷完,slow正好處於中點
while fast != none and fast.next != none:
fast = fast.next.next
slow = slow.next
return slow
def concat(self, left, mid, right):
dummy = listnode(0)
tail = dummy
tail.next = left
tail = self.gettail(tail)
tail.next = mid
tail = self.gettail(tail)
tail.next = right
return dummy.next
def gettail(self, head):
if head is none:
return none
while head.next:
head = head.next
return head
class solution:
"""@param head: the head of linked list.
@return: you should return the head of the sorted linked list, using constant space complexity.
"""def sortlist(self, head):
# write your code here
from functools import cmp_to_key
nodes =
while head:
head = head.next
dummy = listnode(0)
node = dummy
for n in sorted(nodes, key=cmp_to_key(self.nodesort)):
node.next = n
node = node.next
return dummy.next
def nodesort(self, a, b):
return a.val - b.val
lintcode 98 鍊錶排序
在 o n log n 時間複雜度和常數級的空間複雜度下給鍊錶排序。樣例給出 1 3 2 null,給它排序變成 1 2 3 null.挑戰分別用歸併排序和快速排序做一遍。標籤鍊錶 思路 採用歸併排序 時間複雜度是o nlogn 的排序有快速排序 歸併排序 堆排序 使用快慢指標找出鍊錶中點。code...
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