<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
依次新增5個按鈕控制項,乙個timer控制項和乙個microsoft common dialog control 6.0控制項
private sub command1_click() '輸入文字
dim n%
on error resume next ' 如果出現錯誤,不理它
n = inputbox("你想輸入幾段文字?")
for i = 1 to n
temp = inputbox("請輸入第" + str(i) + "段文字,共有" + str(n) + "段")
text1 = text1 & temp & vbcrlf 'vbcrlf有回車換行的功能,cr回車,lf換行
x = doevents '在for迴圈過大時,此句可避免宕機
end sub
private sub command2_click()
commondialog1.action = 3 '選擇顏色
text1.backcolor = commondialog1.color
end sub
private sub command3_click()
on error resume next
commondialog1.flags = 259
commondialog1.action = 4 '選擇字型
with text1 '用此句可省略前輟
.fontname = commondialog1.fontname
.fontbold = commondialog1.fontbold
.fontitalic = commondialog1.fontitalic
.fontsize = commondialog1.fontsize
.fontstrikethru = commondialog1.fontstrikethru
.fontunderline = commondialog1.fontunderline
.forecolor = commondialog1.color
end with
end sub
private sub command4_click()
on error resume next
commondialog1.filter = "記事本型別.txt|*.txt|word文件.word|*.doc|all files.*|*.*"
commondialog1.action = 2
open commondialog1.filename for output as #1 '以讀方式自動建立不存在的新檔案
print #1, text1
close #1
end sub
private sub command5_click()
if commondialog1.filename = "" then
msgbox ("你還沒有儲存檔案,請先儲存,再退出!")
end if
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1.fontsize = 12
end sub
private sub form_unload(cancel as integer)
if commondialog1.filename = "" then
msgbox "你還沒有儲存檔案,請先儲存,再退出!"
cancel = 1
end if
end sub
private sub timer1_timer() 『在屬性視窗中將timer1的interval值為1000(ms)
end sub
上面是程式執行的介面!程式執行介面已上傳到相簿的vb6欄目 以下就是 vb6的源 依次新增 5個按鈕控制項,乙個 timer 控制項和乙個 microsoftcommondialogcontrol6.0控制項 private sub command1 click 輸入文字 dim n on erro...
C 實現記事本
今天我用c 編了乙個記事本,效果如下 開啟txt openfiledialog1.filter 文字檔案 txt txt if openfiledialog1.showdialog dialogresult.ok 有乙個openfiledialog1元件 儲存txt 檔案不為空才可以儲存if thi...
size t strlen const char s the strlen function calculates the length of the string s,excluding 不包括 the terminating null byte 0 計算長度時,不包括末尾的結束符 0 但是,換行...