
2021-08-22 13:20:54 字數 2471 閱讀 2866

export gopath=/home/sparrow/桌面/golang


sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang$ source ~/.bashrc

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang$ go ##測試是否生效


go is a tool for managing go source code.


go command [arguments]
the commands are:

build       compile packages and dependencies

clean remove object files and cached files

doc show documentation for package or symbol

env print go environment information

bug start a bug report

fix update packages to use new apis

fmt gofmt (reformat) package sources

generate generate go files by processing source

get download and install packages and dependencies

install compile and install packages and dependencies

list list packages

run compile and run go program

test test packages

tool run specified go tool

version print go version

vet report likely mistakes in packages

use 「go help [command]」 for more information about a command.

additional help topics:

c           calling between go and c

buildmode build modes

cache build and test caching

filetype file types

gopath gopath environment variable

environment environment variables

importpath import path syntax

packages package lists

testflag testing flags

testfunc testing functions

use 「go help [topic]」 for more information about that topic.

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang$ go version //檢視go版本

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang$ cd src/

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src$ ls

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src$ mkdir hello

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src$ cd hello/

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src/hello$ touch hello.go

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src/hello$ vim hello.go


package main

import 「fmt」

func main()

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src/hello$ go install hello //編譯hello.go

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src$ cd ../bin

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/bin$ ./hello

hello world!

或者直接使用go run 命令執行**。

sparrow@captain:~/桌面/golang/src/hello$ go run hello

hello world!


1 檢視linux系統版本 uname a 解壓安裝包 tar zxvf go1.14.1.linux amd64.tar.gz 4.建立工作目錄。官方建議放在 home go 下,建立三個目錄 bin 編譯後可的執行檔案的存放路徑 pkg 編譯包時,生成的.a檔案的存放路徑 src 原始碼路徑,一...

Go 語言環境安裝

go 語言支援以下系統 各個系統對應的包名 作業系統 包名windows 預設情況下.msi檔案會安裝在c go目錄下。你可以將c go bin目錄新增到path環境變數中。新增後你需要重啟命令視窗才能生效。建立工作目錄c go workspace。package main import fmt f...


go語言系列是自己逐漸學習的乙個過程總結,根據自己的實際實驗過程進行安裝和學習,之所以這麼做是因為通過一些網路的教程走了一些彎路,因此總結下來供其他學習的小夥伴使用。解壓之後,可以在當地檔案中得到名為go的資料夾,其資料夾中包含的內容如下 使用root許可權將資料夾移動到 usr local路徑下 ...