filename: encrypt_string.cs
author: zhanghua
date: 2005-08-11
fuction : input a strig and encrypt a string
上3。example: welcome -> ezhofrp
*/using system;
class test
/n", strinput);
stroutput = encrypt(strinput);
console.writeline("stroutput is :/n", stroutput);
}private static string encrypt(string strinput)
/n", len);
strfont = strinput.remove(len-1,1);
strend= strinput.remove(0, len-1);
" strfont is : /n" , strfont);
" strend is : /n" , strend);
charfont = strfont.tochararray();
for(i=0; i/n", intfont);
charfont[i]= convert.tochar(intfont);
"charfont is : /n", i, charfont[i]);
}strfont = ""; //let strfont null
for (i=0; istroutput=strend + strfont;
return stroutput;}}
C 實現 移位加密
filename encrypt string.cs author zhanghua date 2005 08 11 fuction input a strig and encrypt a string 加密後的字串的第乙個字元是原先字串的最後乙個字元,其餘的每乙個字元是對應的原字串中的前乙個字元的...
最簡單的字串加密C 實現 移位加密
filename encrypt string.cs author zhanghua date 2005 08 11 fuction input a strig and encrypt a string 加密後的字串的第乙個字元是原先字串的最後乙個字元,其餘的每乙個字元是對應的原字串中的前乙個字元的...
簡單移位加密演算法c語言實現 include include includeconst int max 100 using namespace std class samplereplace samplereplace void doencrpytograph int index,const cha...