二、tblpropertiescreate table if not exists mydb.employees(
name string comment 'employee name',
salary float
subordinates arraydeductions mapaddress struct)
comment 'description of the table'
tblproperties ('creator'='me','created_at'='2018-07-25',...)
location '/user/hive/warehouse/mydb.db/employees';
create table if not exists mydb.employees2
like mydb.employees;
Hive hive表中的資料匯出
insert overwrite local directory export servers exporthive a select from score insert overwrite local directory export servers exporthive row format d...
hive hive 內部表和外部表
1.內部表 hive test1 create table com inner person id int,name string,age int,ctime timestamp row format delimited fields terminated by oktime taken 0.233...
Hive hive表中載入資料
五種情況 create table score3 like score 插入資料 insert into table score3 partition month 201807 values 001 002 100 通過load方式載入資料 load data local inpath export...