VB程式設計 身份證號碼是否合法 49

2021-08-21 11:10:49 字數 1605 閱讀 1939



private sub command1_click()

label2.caption = ""

label2.backcolor = me.backcolor

label2.forecolor = me.forecolor

if isnumeric(text1.text) = false then

label2.caption = "輸入的身份證號碼無效!"

label2.backcolor = vbred

label2.forecolor = vbwhite

elseif len(text1.text) = 15 then

x = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1)

y = array("1", "0", "x", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2")

temp = mid(text1.text, 1, 6)

temp = temp + "19"

temp1 = mid(text1.text, 7, 15)

temp = temp + temp1

s = 0

for i = 0 to 16

j = int(mid(temp, i + 1, 1)) * x(i)

s = s + j

next i

s = s mod 11

str1 = temp + trim(y(s))

label2.caption = "身份證有效:" & str1

label2.backcolor = vbgreen

label2.forecolor = me.forecolor

elseif len(text1.text) = 18 then

str1 = text1.text

label2.caption = "身份證有效:" & str1

label2.backcolor = vbgreen

label2.forecolor = me.forecolor

elseif len(text1.text) <> 15 and len(text1.text) <> 18 then

label2.caption = "輸入的身份證號碼無效!"

label2.backcolor = vbred

label2.forecolor = vbwhite

end if

end sub

private sub command2_click()

endend sub

private sub text1_change()

label3.caption = len(text1.text)

end sub



JAVA 驗證身份證號碼是否合法

public static boolean isidnumber string idnumber 定義判別使用者身份證號的正規表示式 15位或者18位,最後一位可以為字母 string regularexpression 1 9 d 18 19 20 d 0 1 9 10 11 12 0 2 1 9...


校驗身份證號碼是否合法 param str param bool getbasicinfo 是否提取身份證號碼中的基本資訊 出生日期 性別 return mixed public static function regexpmatchidcard str,getbasicinfo false 18 ...


每乙個人自出生後都會有乙個身份證號碼。根據我國有關部門規定,公民身份號碼是特徵組合碼,由十七位數字本體碼和一位數字校驗碼組成。排列順序從左至右依次為 六位數字位址碼,八位數字出生日期碼,三位數字順序碼和一位數字校驗碼。居民身份證是國家法定的證明公民個人身份的有效證件。例如 對於身份證號碼330719...