
2021-08-21 04:23:58 字數 2522 閱讀 3154



if (!array.prototype.copywithin) 

var o = object(this);

// steps 3-5.

// >>> 0 的作用(無符號右移):

// 1.能轉換為數值的先轉換為數值然後在右移

// 2.非數值型別不能轉換為數值的返回0

// 3.自然數向左取整,負數會轉換為正數

var len = o.length >>> 0;

// steps 6-8.

// >> 0 的作用(有符號右移):

// 1.能轉換為數值的先轉換為數值然後在右移

// 2.非數值型別不能轉換為數值的返回0

// 3.自然數向左取整,負數向右取整

var relativetarget = target >> 0;


var to = relativetarget < 0 ?

math.max(len + relativetarget, 0) :

math.min(relativetarget, len);

// steps 9-11.

var relativestart = start >> 0;

var from = relativestart < 0 ?

math.max(len + relativestart, 0) :

math.min(relativestart, len);

// steps 12-14.如果沒傳end取len,傳了end就按照上面的規則扶正end

var end = arguments[2];

var relativeend = end === undefined ? len : end >> 0;

var final = relativeend < 0 ?

math.max(len + relativeend, 0) :

math.min(relativeend, len);

// step 15.

var count = math.min(final - from, len - to);

// steps 16-17.

var direction = 1;

//from to final count最大為len最小為0

//from複製的開始索引, to賦值的開始索引, final複製的結束索引,count

/** * a. from === to

* 1. from === final count = 0; return o;

* 2. from < final count = final - from; 正常迴圈,return o;

* 3. from > final count < 0; return o;

* b. from > to

* 1. from === final count = 0; return o;

* 2. from < final count = final - from; 正常迴圈,return o;

* 3. from > final count < 0; return o;

* c. from < to

* 1. from === final count = 0; return o;

* 2. from < final

* i. 如果 final - from <= len - to, count = final - from,

* ii. 如果 final - from > len - to, count = len - to,

* 按i和ii這種分析方法,不適合恰當,可以畫圖來示意,就是to始終落在from和final的區間裡,

* 這種情況就需要特殊處理也就是下面的 from < to && to < (from + count)

* 3. from > final count < 0; return o;

*/if (from < to && to < (from + count))

// step 18.

while (count > 0) else

from += direction;

to += direction;


}// step 19.

return o;


var obj = ;, 0, "a")

0, "c")



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