3,繼續修改配置,讓區域網的計算機可以訪問:serverroot "d:\httpd-2.4.33-win64-vc15\apache24" # 解壓後的資料夾
listen #此處可以修改為本地計算機的ipv4位址,為了避免衝突,埠可改為8088
servername www.example.com:8080
documentroot "d:\httpd-2.4.33-win64-vc15\apache24\htdocs" #對應apche資料夾下的htdocs資料夾,以下同
確保裡面:require all granted
## possible values for the options directive are "none", "all",
# or any combination of:
# indexes includes followsymlinks symlinksifownermatch execcgi multiviews
## note that "multiviews" must be named *explicitly* --- "options all"
# doesn't give it to you.
## the options directive is both complicated and important. please see
# # for more information.
indexes followsymlinks
## allowoverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# it can be "all", "none", or any combination of the keywords:
# allowoverride fileinfo authconfig limit
#allowoverride none
## controls who can get stuff from this server.
all granted
在解決上篇文章中提到的linux問題中間,windows伺服器也出現了問題,果然天將降大任於斯人也,必先讓他加班猝死 具體問題如下 伺服器莫名其妙不能訪問,登入伺服器後出現一下彈框 檢視程序php cgi依然存在在工作,但是依然無法訪問,重啟後恢復正常.emmmm感覺每次重啟完linux再過來重啟一...
安裝伺服器,首先要安裝相應的軟體包,安裝軟體包。需要先配置好相應的倉庫 一 配置yum倉庫 1 新增掛載點 mount dev sr0 mnt 2 配置檔案 vim etc yum.repos.d ce.repo ce name ce baseurl file mnt enabled 1 gpgch...
MQTT 伺服器搭建(一)
mqtt,是ibm推出的一種針對移動終端裝置的基於tcp ip的發布 預訂協議,可以連線大量的遠端感測器和控制裝置 iot,internet of things,物聯網,mqtt在這方面應用較多。mqtt協議是針對如下情況設計的 mqtt協議的架構,用乙個示例說明。比如有1個溫度感測器 1個mach...