db2 基礎操作

2021-08-20 23:18:05 字數 1979 閱讀 3177



select * from sysibm.sysversions


restart db  twcs177


activate db twcs177


deactivate db twcs177


db2 catalog tcpip mode mynode remote server 62000


connect to twcs177  user tsisusr  using  tsisusr


import from d:\db2\tg_debtcash_detail.csv of del insert into tg_debtcash_detail

import from d:\tg_debt_trade.del of del insert into tg_debt_trade;


export to d:\td_enumvalue.del  of del select * from td_enumvalue where  s_typecode ='tw0086'


select * from tg_debtissue_detail where 1=1 fetch first 10 rows only with ur


list tablespaces show  detail;


select * from sysibm.systablespaces


select tabname,tbspace from syscat.tables where tabname='ta_localcash_info';


select tabname from syscat.tables where tbspace='userspace1';

select * from sysibm.systablespaces

create tablespace ts_lmc_dat 32k im database partition group ibmdefault tgroup pagesiz 32k

using(file'd:\db2\node0000\lmcdb\ts_lmc_dat32k_01' 8192--256m) extentsize16 prefetchsize 16 bufferpool bp32k


create table_***(col1.....) in  userspace1


describe indexes for table ta_trl_go_comebill show detail


select * from sysibm.syscolumns where tbname='ta_localcash_info';


describe table  ta_localcash_info


alter ta_localcash_info activate not logged initally with empty table  or 

import from null_file of del into ta_localcash_info


rename old_table_name to new_table_name


select * from sysibm.sysbufferpools


alter bufferpool ibmdefaultbp size 10240

db2 聯機文件 DB2基礎教程文件

1.1 db2 udb 的版本db2 針對於不同的使用者需求,提供了多種版本 企業伺服器版 enterprise server edition 該版本通常用於支援大規模的企業級應用程式以及大型企業級資料倉儲,它提供了最大程度的連線性,並 且可以與異構平台上的 db2資料庫和第三方廠商的資料庫產品共享...

db2 表操作語句

1 刪除表中的某一列 alter table t req temporary requirementdrop columntemporary requirement type id 2 在表中增加一列 alter table t req temporary requirement add tempo...


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