求解函式 f(x) = x + 10*sin(5*x) + 7*cos(4*x) 在區間[0, 9] 的最大值;
遺傳演算法(genetic algorithm)遵循『適者生存』、『優勝劣汰』的原則,是一類借鑑生物界自然選擇和自然遺傳機制的隨機化搜尋演算法。
1. 編碼 -> 創造染色體
2. 個體 -> 種群
3. 適應度函式
這裡就是函式 f(x) = x + 10*sin(5*x) + 7*cos(4*x)。
4. 遺傳運算元
4.1 選擇
4.2 交叉
4.3 變異
#求解函式 f(x) = x + 10*sin(5*x) + 7*cos(4*x) 在區間[0,9]的最大值。
import math
import random
class ga():
def __init__(self, length, count):
#length of chromosome
self.length = length
#number of chromosome
self.count = count
# randomly get initial population
self.population = self.get_population(length, count)
def get_population(self, length, count):
# get a list of count numbers chromosome (length : length)
return [self.get_chromosome(length) for i in range(count)]
def get_chromosome(self, length):
#randomly get a chromosome which length is length
# a bit ( 0, 1 ) represent a gene
chromosome = 0
for i in range(length):
chromosome |= ( 1 << i ) * random.randint(0, 1)
return chromosome
def evolve(self, retain_rate = 0.2, random_select_rate = 0.5, mutation_rate = 0.01 ):
parents = self.selection(retain_rate, random_select_rate)
def fitness(self, chromosome):
# decode and compute fitness function
x = self.decode(chromosome)
return x + 10 * math.sin(5 * x) + 7 * math.cos(4 * x)
def selection(self, retain_rate, random_select_rate):
graded = [(self.fitness(chromosome), chromosome) for chromosome in self.population]
graded = [x[1] for x in sorted(graded, reverse=true)]
# 選出適應性強的染色體,挑選20%作為父類
retain_length = int(len(graded) * retain_rate)
parents = graded[:retain_length]
# 從剩餘的80%裡面選出適應性不強,但是倖存的染色體(概率0.5)
for chromosome in graded[retain_length:]:
if random.random() < random_select_rate:
return parents
def crossover(self, parents):
# 新出生的孩子,最終會被加入存活下來的父母之中,形成新一代的種群。
children =
target_count = len(self.population) - len(parents)
while len(children) < target_count:
malelocation = random.randint(0, len(parents) - 1)
femalelocation = random.randint(0, len(parents) - 1)
male = parents[malelocation]
female = parents[femalelocation]
if malelocation != femalelocation:
cross_pos = random.randint(0, self.length)
mask = 0
for i in range(cross_pos):
mask |= (1 << i )
child = (male & mask) | (female & ~mask)
self.population = parents + children
def mutation(self, rate):
for i in range(len(self.population)):
if random.random() < rate:
j = random.randint(0, self.length-1)
self.population[i] ^= 1 << j #^是異或運算
def decode(self, chromosome):
return chromosome * 9.0 / (2**self.length-1)
def result(self):
graded = [(self.fitness(chromosome), chromosome) for chromosome in self.population]
graded = [ x[1] for x in sorted(graded, reverse = true)]
return ga.decode(graded[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
ga = ga(17, 300)
for x in range(200):
python遺傳演算法 Python 遺傳演算法實現
關於遺傳演算法 遺傳演算法是仿照自然界中生物進化而產生的一類優化演算法。個人感覺遺傳演算法簡單粗暴,適應性廣。關於遺傳演算法的介紹網上有很多了,這裡按照我自己的理解簡單概括一下。編碼解碼,將待優化的引數編碼為dna序列,最簡單直接的為二進位制編碼 即有兩種鹼基的dna鏈 生成隨機初代 選擇,適應度 ...
遺傳演算法 python實現
encoding utf 8 import math import random import operator class ga def init self,length,count 染色體長度 self.length length 種群中的染色體數量 self.count count 隨機生成初...
遺傳演算法 python 簡書 遺傳演算法
優化的演算法有很多種,從最基本的梯度下降法到現在的一些啟發式演算法,如遺傳演算法 ga 差分演化演算法 de 粒子群演算法 pso 和人工蜂群演算法 abc 舉乙個例子,遺傳演算法和梯度下降 梯度下降和遺傳演算法都是優化演算法,而梯度下降只是其中最基礎的那乙個,它依靠梯度與方向導數的關係計算出最優值...