select syscolumns.name from syscolumns where id=object_id('寫上要查詢的表名')
select syscolumns.name,systypes.name from syscolumns,systypes where syscolumns.xusertype=systypes.xusertype
and syscolumns.id=object_id('寫上要查詢的表名')
select syscolumns.name,systypes.name,systypes.name+'('+cast(syscolumns.length/2 as varchar(10))+')',
from syscolumns,systypes
where syscolumns.xusertype=systypes.xusertype and syscolums.id=object_id('寫上要查詢的表名')
表 owner表示schema select table name,comments from all tab comments t where t.owner md 字段 select column name,data type from all tab columns t where t.own...
sql 查詢所有資料庫 表 字段
sql server 用master資料庫查詢所有的資料庫 use master select name from sysdatabases 用其中的乙個資料庫查詢所有表 use student select id name from sysobjects where type u 根據id查詢某個...
SQL 查詢表結構資訊 表字段注釋
查詢表結構資訊 select case when a.colorder 1 then i.name d.name else end 表名,a.name 欄位名,isnull g.value as 說明 a.colorder 字段序號,case when select count 1 from sys...