Python Json操作封裝的基本實現

2021-08-19 11:16:30 字數 4875 閱讀 9473

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# -*- coding= utf-8 -*-

# name=jsonconfig

# version=0.0.1

# packages=

# author=singebogo


# date=20180427

import json, demjson

from new_frame.api.filegener.fileoperator.filebase import filebase

from new_frame.api.exception.filenotfound import filenotfounderror

from new_frame.util.logutil.log import logger

class jsonconfig(object):


2、 #自定義資料型別的序列化/反序列化


# 1、通過轉換函式實現

# 2、通過繼承jsonencoder和jsondecoder類實現

'''def __init__(self,file=none, dict={}):

self.dict = dict

self.file = file

# 序列化

def dumps(self, dict={}):


if dict is none:

return json.dumps(self.dict)


return json.dumps(dict)

except baseexception as baseerr:


print (baseerr.message)

# 反序列化

def loads(self, dict={}):


if dict is none:

return json.loads(self.dict)


return json.loads(dict)

except baseexception as baseerr:


print (baseerr.message)

# 序列化到檔案中

def write(self, dict={}, mode='w',indent=4):

'''@param mode:檔案開啟模式 預設引數為w

@param indent:

@param dict: 需要dump的字典

@return:返回none json寫入檔案成功

'''if self.file is not none:

with open(self.file, mode) as fp:

if dict is none:

return json.dump(self.dict, fp, indent)


return json.dump(dict, fp, indent)

# 反序列化檔案中的內容

def read(self, mode = 'r'):

'''@param mode: 檔案開啟模式 預設引數為r


'''if self.file is not none:

if filebase(self.file).i***ist(none):


with open(self.file, mode) as fp:

return json.load(fp)

except oserror as oserr:

print (oserr)

logger.error(oserr.message + "json read error")


logger.error(self.file + "not exits")

raise filenotfounderror(self.file + "not exits")

# 自定義資料型別的序列化/反序列化

# 方法1:編寫轉換函式

'''def obj2dict(obj):

d = {}

d['__class__'] = obj.__class__.__name__

d['__module__'] = obj.__module__


return d

def dict2obj(d):

if '__class__' in d:

class_name = d.pop('__class__')

module_name = d.pop('__module__')

module = __import__(module_name)

class_ = getattr(module, class_name)

args = dict((key.encode('ascii'), value) for key, value in d.items())

instance = class_(**args)


instance = d

return instance

'''#方法2 繼承jsonencoder和jsondecoder實現子類

class myjsonencoder(json.jsonencoder):

def default(self, obj):

d = {}

d['__class__'] = obj.__class__.__name__

d['__module__'] = obj.__module__


return d

class myjsondecoder(json.jsondecoder):

def __init__(self):

json.jsondecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.dict2obj)

def dict2obj(self, d):

if '__class__' in d:

class_name = d.pop('__class__')

module_name = d.pop('__module__')

module = __import__(module_name)

class_ = getattr(module, class_name)

args = dict((key.encode('ascii'), value) for key, value in d.items())

instance = class_(**args)


instance = d

return instance

if __name__ == '__main__':

class student(object):

def __init__(self, name, age, sno): = name

self.age = age

self.sno = sno

def __repr__(self):

return 'student [name: %s, age: %d, sno: %d]' % (, self.age, self.sno)

jsonconfig = jsonconfig('test.json', )

print (jsonconfig.write())

encode =

print (jsonconfig.dumps()) #空字典

decode = jsonconfig.dumps(encode)

print (jsonconfig.loads()) #空字典

print (jsonconfig.loads(decode))

stu = student('tom', 19, 1)


print (jsonconfig.myjsonencoder().encode(stu))

print (jsonconfig.myjsonencoder(separators=(',', ':')).encode(stu))

# 方式二:將子類myjsonencoder作為cls引數的值傳遞給json.dumps()函式

objencode = json.dumps(stu, cls=jsonconfig.myjsonencoder)

print ("---------------------")

print (jsonconfig.write(objencode))

print (json.dumps(stu, cls=jsonconfig.myjsonencoder, separators=(',', ':')))

# 反序列化測試:

print (jsonconfig.myjsondecoder().decode(''))

print (jsonconfig.myjsondecoder().decode(objencode))

print (

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