分別使用幾個類,放置相關社保(-c ***x)、員工資訊(-d ***x)、個稅計算結果(-o ***x)等資訊
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import csv
class args(object):
def __init__(self):
self.args = sys.argv[1:]
def get_mark(self, option):
index = self.args.index(option)
return self.args[index + 1]
def config_path(self):
return self.get_mark('-c')
def userdata_path(self):
return self.get_mark('-d')
def export_path(self):
return self.get_mark('-o')
args = args()
class config(object):
def __init__(self):
self.config = self._read_config()
def _read_config(self):
config_path = args.config_path
config = {}
with open(config_path) as confignews:
for one_config in confignews.readlines():
news, nums = one_config.strip().split('=')
config[news.strip()] = float(nums.strip())
return config
def get_config(self, key):
return self.config[key]
config = config()
#user data員工資訊
class userdata(object):
def __init__(self):
self.userdata = self._read_users_data()
def _read_users_data(self):
userdata_path = args.userdata_path
userdata =
with open(userdata_path) as datanews:
for one_data in datanews.readlines():
idnum, wage = one_data.strip().split(',')
return userdata
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.userdata)
class incometax(object):
#comployeedata =
def __init__(self, userdata):
self.userdata = userdata
#salary after tax
def calc_fordata(wage):
#social security tax社保
if wage < config.get_config('jishul'):
return config.get_config('jishul')*0.165
if wage > config.get_config('jishuh'):
return config.get_config('jishuh')*0.165
return wage*0.165
# tax_oneself個稅
def tax_for_one(cls, wage):
social_wage = cls.calc_fordata(wage)
taxwage = wage - social_wage
if taxwage<=0:
tax_self = 0
elif taxwage<=1500:
tax_self = taxwage*0.03
elif taxwage<=4500:
tax_self= taxwage*0.1-105
elif taxwage<=9000:
tax_self = taxwage*0.2-555
elif taxwage<=35000:
tax_self = taxwage*0.25-1005
elif taxwage<=55000:
tax_self = taxwage*0.3-2755
elif taxwage<=80000:
tax_self = taxwage*0.35-5505
tax_self = taxwage*0.45-13505
return tax_self
#the money we can get at the end最後收入
def money(self):
for idnum, wage in self.userdata:
comployee = [idnum, wage]
shebao = self.calc_fordata(wage)
taxone = self.tax_for_one(wage)
get_money = wage - shebao - taxone
comployee += [''.format(shebao), ''.format(taxone),''.format(get_money)]
return comployeedata
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.userdata)
#output csv file輸出結果到檔案
def export(self, default = 'csv'):
result = self.money()
with open(args.export_path, 'w', newline = '') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
if __name__=='__main__':
last_money = incometax(userdata())
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