# licensed to the apache software foundation (asf) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. see the notice file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# to you under the apache license, version 2.0 (the
# "license"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the license. you may obtain a copy of the license at
## ## distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
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########### these must be filled in for a storm configuration
- "hadoop-senior.cj.com"
- "hadoop-senior1.cj.com"
# nimbus.host: "hadoop-senior.cj.com"
# #
# ##### these may optionally be filled in:
## list of custom serializations
# topology.kryo.register:
# - org.mycompany.mytype
# - org.mycompany.mytype2: org.mycompany.mytype2serializer
### list of custom kryo decorators
# topology.kryo.decorators:
# - org.mycompany.mydecorator
### locations of the drpc servers
- "hadoop-senior.cj.com"
## metrics consumers
# topology.metrics.consumer.register:
# - class: "backtype.storm.metric.loggingmetricsconsumer"
# parallelism.hint: 1
# - class: "org.mycompany.mymetricsconsumer"
# parallelism.hint: 1
# argument:
# - endpoint: "metrics-collector.mycompany.org"
- 6700
- 6701
- 6702
- 6703
- 6704
- 6705
- 6706
- 6707
- 6708
ui.port: 8081
執行: bin/storm nimbus
nohup bin/storm nimbus &
nohup bin/storm ui &
nohup bin/storm supervisor &
注意: 一定要做注意格式,每一行前面都會有個空格,不然啟動會出錯的
1 安裝乙個zookeeper集群 2 上傳storm的安裝包,解壓 3 修改配置檔案storm.yaml 所使用的zookeeper集群主機 storm.zookeeper.servers weekend05 weekend06 weekend07 nimbus所在的主機名 nimbus.host...
could not found expected in reader line 25,column 1 storm.zookeeper.port 2181 caused by while scanning a key in reader line 30,column 2 storm.local.di...
在啟動storm之前要確保nimbus和supervisor上的zookeeper已經啟動 1 檢視zk的狀態 zkserver.sh status12 2 如果zk沒有開啟,將nimbus和supervisor的zk開啟 zkserver.sh start 1 3 啟動nimbus 切換到stor...