
2021-08-14 03:20:41 字數 1614 閱讀 6321

本章部落格是網路公開課 「[ros tutorial] chapter 2.1 : ros topics #part 1」, 的上課筆記,**鏈結為


rostopic list


rostopic list | grep counter


rostopic echo /counter


rostopic echo /counter -n1


rostopic info /counter



rostopic -h

rostopic bw display bandwidth used by topic

rostopic delay display delay

of topic from timestamp in header

rostopic echo print messages to screen

rostopic find find topics by type

rostopic hz display publishing rate of topic

rostopic info print information about active topic

rostopic list

list active topics

rostopic pub publish data to topic

rostopic type print topic or field type

同樣的,對於乙個message, 也可以使用

rosmsg -h


rosmsg show

show message description

rosmsg info alias for rosmsg show

rosmsg list list all messages

rosmsg md5 display message md5sum

rosmsg package list messages in a package

rosmsg packages list packages that contain messages


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