function mychange(byval myinput)
dim temp, tempa, myinputa, myinputb, myinputc
dim place as string
dim j as integer
place = "分角元拾佰仟萬拾佰仟億拾佰仟萬"
shuzi1 = "壹貳叄肆伍陸柒捌玖"
shuzi2 = "整零元零零零萬零零零億零零零萬"
qianzhui = ""
if val(myinput) = 0 then myinput = 0
if myinput = "" then myinput = 0
if myinput < 0 then qianzhui = "負"
myinput = int(abs(myinput) * 100 + 0.5)
if myinput > 999999999999999# then
mychange = "數字太大了吧???"
exit function
end if
if myinput = 0 then
mychange = "零元零分"
exit function
end if
myinputa = trim(str(myinput))
shuzilong = len(myinputa)
for j = 1 to shuzilong
myinputb = mid(myinputa, j, 1) & myinputb
for j = 1 to shuzilong
temp = val(mid(myinputb, j, 1))
if temp = 0 then
myinputc = mid(shuzi2, j, 1) & myinputc
myinputc = mid(shuzi1, temp, 1) & mid(place, j, 1) & myinputc
end if
shuzilong = len(myinputc)
for j = 1 to shuzilong - 1
if mid(myinputc, j, 1) = "零" then
select case mid(myinputc, j + 1, 1)
case "零", "元", "萬", "億", "整":
myinputc = left(myinputc, j - 1) & mid(myinputc, j + 1, 30)
j = j - 1
end select
end if
shuzilong = len(myinputc)
for j = 1 to shuzilong - 1
if mid(myinputc, j, 1) = "億" and mid(myinputc, j + 1, 1) = "萬" then
myinputc = left(myinputc, j) & mid(myinputc, j + 2, 30)
exit for
end if
mychange = qianzhui & trim(myinputc)
end function
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