鍊錶問題 判斷乙個鍊錶是否為回文結構

2021-08-10 17:29:58 字數 2087 閱讀 5545








def ispalindrome1(head):

if head == none or head.next == none:

return true

stack =

cur = head

while cur != none:

cur = cur.next

while stack:

if stack.pop().val != head.val:

return false

head = head.next

return true



def ispalindrome2(head):

if head == none or head.next == none:

return true

stack =

pre = head.next

cur = head

while cur.next != none and cur.next.next != none:

pre = pre.next

cur = cur.next.next

while pre != none:

pre = pre.next

while stack:

if stack.pop().val != head.val:

return false

head = head.next

return true



def ispalindrome3(head):

if head == none or head.next == none:

return true

pre = head

cur = head

while cur.next != none and cur.next.next != none:

pre = pre.next

cur = cur.next.next

node = pre.next

pre.next = none

while node != none:

next = node.next

node.next = pre

pre = node

node = next

node = pre

res = true

while pre != none and head != none:

if pre.val != head.val:

res = false


pre = pre.next

head = head.next

pre = node.next

node.next = none

while pre != none:

next = pre.next

pre.next = node

node = pre

pre = next

return res

鍊錶 判斷乙個鍊錶是否為回文鍊錶

思路1 找到中間節點然後把後面的翻轉,需要斷開鍊錶 然後比較和頭節點開始的前段,最後要是後半段的游標可以走到最後說明是回文否則不是 思路2 整體翻轉比較 思路3 借助乙個棧存放前半段的元素,然後和後半段的比較 public boolean ispalindrome listnode head lis...

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鍊錶 判斷乙個鍊錶是否為回文結構

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