2、裝飾器帶引數#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# author:zhengzhengliu
import timer
user,passwd = "liu","liu123"
def auth(func):
username = input("username:").strip()
password = input("password:").strip()
if username == user and password == passwd:
print("\033[32;1muser has passed authentication!\033[0m")
res = func(*args,**kwargs)
print("-----after authentication---")
return res
exit("\033[31;1minvalid username or password!\033[0m")
def index():
print("welcome to index page!")
def home():
print("welcome to index home!")
return "from home"
def bbs():
print("welcome to index bbs!")
#welcome to index page!
#user has passed authentication!
#welcome to home page!
#-----after authentication---
#from home
#user has passed authentication!
#welcome to bbs page!
#-----after authentication---
執行結果:#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# author:zhengzhengliu
import timer
user,passwd = "liu","liu123"
def auth(auth_type):
print("auth func:",auth_type)
if auth_type == "local":
username = input("username:").strip()
password = input("password:").strip()
if username == user and password == passwd:
print("\033[32;1muser has passed authentication!\033[0m")
res = func(*args, **kwargs) #from home
print("-----after authentication---")
return res
exit("\033[31;1minvalid username or password!\033[0m")
elif auth_type == "ldap":
def index():
print("welcome to index page!")
def home():
print("welcome to home page!")
return "from home"
@auth(auth_type="ldap") #利用遠端的ldap登入
def bbs():
print("welcome to bbs page!")
Python3 5 裝飾器之案例剖析
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