
2021-08-06 06:52:54 字數 1537 閱讀 3920


drop table if existsstudent;

create tablestudent(

idint(11) not null auto_increment,

stunamevarchar(100) default null,

***idint(100) default null,

primary key (id)

) engine=innodb auto_increment=15 default charset=utf8;

insert intostudentvalues (1,』張小雨』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (2,』李娜111』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (3,』馬騰』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (4,』劉君然』,2);

insert intostudentvalues (6,』11』,2);

insert intostudentvalues (7,』馬世國』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (8,』啦啦啦』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (9,』啦啦啦11』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (12,』按時打的』,1);

insert intostudentvalues (13,』李娜123』,2);

insert intostudentvalues (14,』123456』,2);

insert intostudentvalues (16,』啦啦啦12』,3);

insert intostudentvalues (28,』啦啦啦12』,null);

insert intostudentvalues (29,』啦啦啦12』,null);

insert intostudentvalues (30,』李娜123』,null);

insert intostudentvalues (31,』李娜123』,null);


delete from student where id not in (

select b.id from (select min(id) id from student group by stuname) b

) 思路



第一步 將表中的資料放到乙個臨時表裡面 select identity int,1,1 as id,into temp from dianpingpoi where districtid 4313 and cuisineid 210 第二步 刪除臨時表裡面的重複資料 delete temp wher...


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如果重複資料很多,被刪掉的可能是大部分記錄,業務又允許的情況下,可以考慮重建表 create table newtable as select distinct from table rename table to oldtable rename newtable to table create i...