hive要開啟,另一邊root@hadoop-virtual-machine:/# hdfs dfs -ls /user/hive檢視hdfs上都有些什麼,
然後把資料檔案匯入到hdfs上 ,root@hadoop-virtual-machine:/# hdfs dfs -put /opt/os.txt /user/hive/
hive那邊用show databases;檢視當前都有什麼資料庫
hive> create table os
> (pathid string,nodeweight int,pathweight string,nodeid int,shutdown string)
> row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' lines terminated by '\n'
> stored as textfile;
匯入資料 hive> load data inpath '/user/hive/os.txt' into table os;
hive> select * from os;
["1->65"]13271[53]1 true
["1->65"]13271[53]1 false
time taken: 0.114 seconds, fetched: 17 row(s)
進來了其實我在匯入的時候下面顯示loading data to table default.os
failed with exception unable to alter table. for direct metastore db connections, we don't support retries at the client level.
failed: execution error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.movetask
建立分割槽表 create external table ext startup logs userid string,starttimeinms bigint,activetimeinms bigint,city string partitioned by y string,m string,d ...
首先我們在本地建立乙個檔案資料,資料中間是tab分隔符 root hdp 4 vi mrhbase.tsv 1002 pear yellow 將資料put到hdfs上 root hdp 4 hadoop fs put root mrhbase.tsv 建立hbase表 hbase main 016 ...
首先因為hive的儲存是基於hdfs的,所以目標等同於,flume監控檔案並上傳hdfs上 hive建表 create table test name string,gender string row format delimited fields terminated by flume配置檔案如下...