
2021-08-04 07:43:50 字數 1720 閱讀 8692

using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.linq;

using system.text;

using system.threading;

}public class lockobj


public queuequeuepending


public queuequeuedisabled

/// /// 活動任務數量


public int activecount

}public class item

public int waitms

public lockobj lockobj

public datetime begintime

public datetime endtime

public double elaspedseconds


/// /// 監控用建構函式



public item(lockobj _lockobj)

/// /// 普通任務用的建構函式





public item(int _flag, int _waitseconds, lockobj _lockobj)

public void monitor(object obj)

form queuedisabled to queuepending", item.flag);}}


if (this.lockobj.activecount < 2)

this.lockobj.activecount = 2;}}


threadpool.queueuserworkitem(new waitcallback(this.monitor), null);

}public void exec(object obj)

, begintime:, endtime: , elapsedseconds:"

, this.flag < 10 ? " " + this.flag.tostring() : this.flag.tostring()

, this.begintime

, this.endtime

, this.elaspedseconds

);lock (this.lockobj)

is disabled.", this.flag);





item itemexec = this.lockobj.queuepending.dequeue();

threadpool.queueuserworkitem(new waitcallback(itemexec.exec), null);}}

}//end of class item

}//end of namespace

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