filename : stringtrim1.cpp
compiler : visual c++ 8.0
description : demo how to trim string by other method.
release : 11/18/2006
*/#include #include #include template std::basic_string& trim(std::basic_string&);
int main( )
template std::basic_string& trim(std::basic_string& s)
std::basic_string::iterator c;
// erase whitespace before the string
for (c = s.begin(); c != s.end() && iswspace(*c++);); s.erase(s.begin(), --c);
// erase whitespace after the string
for (c = s.end(); c != s.begin() && iswspace(*--c);); s.erase(++c, s.end());
return s;
以下是我在gcc編譯的結果: ps:我用的是trim.cpp
[root@localhost testconfig]# g++ trim.cpp
trim.cpp: in function 『std::basic_string<_chart, std::char_traits<_chart>, std::allocator<_chart> >& trim(std::basic_string<_chart, std::char_traits<_chart>, std::allocator<_chart> >&)』:
trim.cpp:21: error: expected 『;』 before 『c』
trim.cpp:23: error: 『c』 was not declared in this scope
trim.cpp: in function 『std::basic_string<_chart, std::char_traits<_chart>, std::allocator<_chart> >& trim(std::basic_string<_chart, std::char_traits<_chart>, std::allocator<_chart> >&) [with t = char]』:
trim.cpp:11: instantiated from here
trim.cpp:17: error: could not convert 『s->std::basic_string<_chart, _traits, _alloc>::empty [with _chart = char, _traits = std::char_traits, _alloc = std::allocator]』 to 『bool』
trim.cpp:21: error: dependent-name 『std::basic_string::iterator』 is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a type
trim.cpp:21: note: say 『typename std::basic_string::iterator』 if a type is meant
#include #include template std::basic_string& trim(std::basic_string& s);
int main(int argc, char* )
template std::basic_string& trim(std::basic_string& s)
typename std::basic_string::iterator c;//c;
for (c = s.begin(); c != s.end() && iswspace(*c++); );
s.erase(s.begin(), --c);
for (c = s.end(); c != s.begin() && iswspace(*--c); );
s.erase(++c, s.end());
return s;
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