
2021-07-31 00:07:39 字數 1028 閱讀 6913


在osx下可以通過gcc -arch i386 -dm -e - < /dev/null | sort檢視gcc定義的預編譯巨集。


#ifdef _win32

//define something for windows (32-bit and 64-bit, this part is common)

#ifdef _win64

//define something for windows (64-bit only)


//define something for windows (32-bit only)


#include "targetconditionals.h"

#if target_iphone_simulator

// ios simulator

#elif target_os_iphone

// ios device

#elif target_os_mac

// other kinds of mac os



#elif __android__

// android

#elif __linux__

// linux

#elif __unix__ // all unices not caught above

// unix

#elif defined(_posix_version)

// posix


# error "unknown compiler"








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