create tablespace tbs_liuya
datafile 'e:/orcl.ora'
size 100m
autoextend on; --表明表空間不自動擴充套件
alter database datafile 'e:/orcl.ora' resize 200m;
alter tablespace tbs_liuya read only; --使表空間唯讀
alter tablespace tbs_liuya read write; --使表空間可讀寫
drop tablespace tbs_liuya;
create user liuya identified by za920708
default tablespace tbs_liuya
temporary tablespace tbs_zilu;
quata 100m on tbs_liuya;
alter user liuya default tablespace tbs_zilu
drop user liuya
grant dba to liuya
revoke dba from liuya;
create table student
(stuid number(20) not null,
stuname varchar2(20) not null,
stucontent varchar2(50) not null
alter table student
modify stucontent nvarchar2(30);
alter table student
add stuage number(10) not null;
alter table student
drop column stucontent;
drop table student --刪除表的物理結構
truncate table student;
insert into student
insert into student
select * from 其他表;
select * from student;
alter table student
add constraint pk_stuid
primary key (stuid);
alter table student
drop constraint pk_stuid;
alter table student
add constraint fk_stu foreign key (主鍵列)
references 外來鍵表(外來鍵列);
alter table student
add constraint uq_stuname unique (stuname);
select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'student';
num1 number(20);
num2 student.stuname%type;
num3 student%rowtype;
create public synonym psyn_stu for student;
select * from psyn_stu;
drop public synonym psyn_stu;
create synonym syn_stu for student;
drop synonym syn_stu;
drop synonym 使用者模式名.syn_stu;
select a.column_name,a.data_type||'('||a.data_length||')',b.comments
from user_tab_columns a , user_col_comments
b --列備註表
where a.table_name=b.table_name(+) and a.column_name = b.column_name(+)
and a.table_name = upper('$');
1 oracle安裝目錄,配置目錄 通過環境變數查詢 set grep oracle 網路配置在 oracle home network admin tnsnames.ora 2 oracle資料庫 select from v database 3 oracle表 4 oracle 工具 linux...
物件導向告一段落,重新撿起來sql server的知識,幸好資料庫語言都差不多,讓我重新學習oracle的時候並沒有想象中的費勁,只需要複習起來舊知識,再融合oracle特有的語法就足矣。廢話不多說,進入正題,此文章按照網上的資料 個人理解編寫,盡量做到通俗易懂,以便日後忘了能夠見文知意。注 sql...
1 建表空間 create tablespace ccpbs datafile home oracle bossdata ora data ccpbs index01.dbf size 100m reuse default storage initial 5000k next 5000k pctin...