$ git pull origin master
from github.com:***/***
* branch master -> fetch_head
……automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and
then commit the
# place this file
in the windows git installation directory /cmd folder
# be sure to add the ../cmd folder to the path environment variable
# diff is called by git with
7 parameters:
# path old-file old-hex old-mode new-file
new-hex new-mode
"c:/program files/sourcegear/common/diffmerge/sgdm.exe"
"$2" | cat
之後,我們需要把這個目錄新增到系統變數中去:# place this file in the windows git installation directory /cmd folder
# be sure to add the ../cmd folder to the path environment variable
# passing the following parameters to mergetool:
# local base remote merge_result
"c:/program files/sourcegear/common/diffmerge/sgdm.exe"
"$3" --result="$4" --title1="mine" --title2="merge" --title3="theirs"
當你發生衝突的時候就可以使用git mergetool來解決衝突,同時mergetool呼叫的是diffmerge來解決衝突。
configure diffmerge for your git difftool
Git 合併衝突
步驟 git status 找到衝突的檔案 將衝突去除 將衝突檔案重新加入臨時區 git add egis api v1 router.py 合併分支 git rebase continue 重新提交 git review 步驟 git checkout master git pull origin...
git合併衝突解決 本地合併衝突
feature分支合併到master起衝突,不要在gitlab上修改衝突,拉取在本地合併衝突 不在gitlab上修改合併的原因 在gitlab上合併會雙向合併兩次,會影響乙個不需要合併分支 命令順序 1.將feature分支的 全部上傳 2.切換分支到master git checkout mast...
人生不如意之事十之 合併分支往往也不是一帆風順的。準備新的feature1分支,繼續我們的新分支開發 git checkout b feature1 switched to anew branch feature1 修改readme.txt最後一行,改為 creating a new branch ...