VLfeat vl slic使用方法及分割結果顯示

2021-07-29 10:48:45 字數 1053 閱讀 9255

segments = vl_slic(im, region, rate);


[segments] = vl_slic_test

(im, region, rate)

% vl_slic_test show result of vl_slic

% vl_slic only return the segments which is puzzled,

% this function use vl_grad to compute the edge of the segments, and

% show the final image.

if nargin < 2

region = 10;

rate = 1;

endif nargin < 3

rate = 1;

endim_single = im2single(im);

segments = vl_slic(im_single, region, rate, 'verbose');

figure(1); clf;

% overaly segmentation

[sx, sy] = vl_grad(double(segments), 'type', 'forward');

s = find(sx | sy);

imp = im;

num_of_pixel = numel(im(:,:,1));

% (r g b) = 0, black line

imp([s s+num_of_pixel s+2*num_of_pixel]) = 0;



imp([s s+num_of_pixel s+2*num_of_pixel]) =0;

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