Go 檔案讀寫

2021-07-28 00:15:38 字數 2148 閱讀 9147



package main

import (




)const (

file = "./test.txt"

)//read file

func main()

defer fd.close()

len,err := fd.seek(0


if err != nil

strbyte := make(byte,len)


,0) //移回指標到檔案開頭

fd.read(strbyte) //讀檔案


dat,err := ioutil.readfile(file) //直接讀檔案

if err != nil





//write file

func main()

dstr := byte("this is a test")

if err != nil

defer fd.close()

num,err := fd.write(dstr)

if err != nil



const (

// the single letters are the abbreviations

// used by the string method's formatting.

modedir filemode =1

<< (32 -1 - iota) // d: is a directory

modeexclusive // l: exclusive use

modetemporary // t: temporary file (not backed up)

modesymlink // l: symbolic link

modedevice // d: device file

modenamedpipe // p: named pipe (fifo)

modesocket // s: unix domain socket

modesetuid // u: setuid

modesetgid // g: setgid

modechardevice // c: unix character device, when modedevice is set

modesticky // t: sticky

// mask for the type bits. for regular files, none will be set.

modetype = modedir | modesymlink | modenamedpipe | modesocket | modedevice

modeperm filemode =0777

// unix permission bits


go 檔案讀寫操作

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GO 檔案的讀寫

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