1. public class threads5 }).start();
7. }
8. }
what is the result?
a. compilation fails.
b. an exception is thrown at runtime.
c. the code executes normally and prints "bar".
d. the code executes normally, but nothing prints.
如果在start後加上system.out.println("main end"); 你會發現列印的結果是
main end
問題來了,如果要讓main方法等待thread執行結束呢?那麼要加上t.join();using system;
using system.threading;
public static void print()
thread t = new thread(print);
system.console.writeline("main end");
輸出結果是什麼呢?有點繞啊,呵呵。首先呼叫starter的構造方法,x值變成5,然後呼叫start方法,此時會呼叫run方法,x值變成10。最後呼叫makeitso方法所以最後值是9。package com.liu1;
public class starter extends thread
public starter()
public void makeitso() throws exception
public void run()
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