select * from person where id=10;
update person set age = 15, name='liming' where id = 10;
select * from person where id=10;
update person set info='student' where age between 19 and 22;
select * from person where age between 19 and 22;
select * from person where id=10;
delete from person where id=10;
delete from person where age between 19 and 22;
select * from person where age between 19 and 22;
delete from person;
select * from person;
create table person
(id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
name char(40) not null default '',
age int not null default 0,
info char(50) null,
primary key (id)
insert into person (id ,name, age , info) values (1,'green', 21, 'lawyer');
insert into person (age ,name, id , info)
values (22, 'suse', 2, 'dancer');
insert into person
values (3,'mary', 24, 'musician');
【例.4】在person表中,插入一條新記錄,name值為willam,age值為20,info值為sports man,sql語句如下:
insert into person (name, age,info)
values('willam', 20, 'sports man');
insert into person (name, age ) values ('laura', 25);
insert into person(name, age, info)
values ('evans',27, 'secretary'),
('dale',22, 'cook'),
('edison',28, 'singer');
insert into person
values (9,'harry',21, 'magician'),
(null,'harriet',19, 'pianist');
create table person_old
(id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
name char(40) not null default '',
age int not null default 0,
info char(50) null,
primary key (id)
insert into person_old
values (10,'harry',20, 'student'), (11,'beckham',31, 'police');
insert into person(id, name, age, info)
select id, name, age, info from person_old;
update person set age = 15, name=』liming』 where id = 10;
update person set info=』student』 where id between 19 and 22;
delete from person where id = 10;
delete from person where age between 19 and 22;
delete from person;
MySQL 插入 更新 刪除資料
我們吧檢索單獨拉出去,是因為在jdbc中對於檢索的處理,和對於插入,更新,刪除操作是不同的。現在我們將分別介紹mysql的insert插入語句,update更新語句,delete刪除語句。part 1 插入資料 sql語句中,insert是用來插入的 或新增 插入或新增乙個行到資料庫中。有以下幾種方...
MySQL 插入 更新 刪除資料
插入 更新 刪除資料 一 插入資料 插入資料使用 insert 語句向表插入資料記錄,插入資料有四種方式,即為所有字段插入資料 為指定字段輸入資料 同時插入多條資料以及插入查詢結果。先建立乙個表,方便下面舉例 create table student stu id int 10 primary ke...
insert into customers values null pep e.lapew 100 main street los angeles ca 90046 usa null null insert into customers cust name,cust address,cust cit...